As most of you know, I LOVE molé. Ibis introduced me to the spicy, smoky, chocolately sauce while we lived in Chicago, then I tried every possible variety in Mexico. It’s most often served with chicken and he makes molé enchildadas that will leave you breathless. (You know, because they’re SPICY!)
Well, now that I’m in Michigan I’ve resigned myself to the fact that things will be a bit different. First example–the molé. Seems someone forget to tell Michigan that the accent is what makes it mouthwateringly delicious. Take it away and all you have is a pile of dirt in the yard.

After all the teasing about eating moles, it seems I’m finally presented with the actual thing. But I can guarantee these creatures will NOT make an appearance in my kitchen.
Oh, come on. They are just pointy-nosed mice. We all know that a mouse a day keeps the doctor away.
Add chocolate to it and my wife would eat it. Or at least lick the chocolate from it. Remember, she is the one that invented the chocolate cake dispenser.
Bleck. Oh, and bleck. I’ve never actually seen the moles, just the mole holes.
tee hee…. I love where a writer’s mind goes 😀
Queues Austin Powers… “Mole mole mole mole…”
…mole mole mole mole….
Or the mole on the skin kind 🙂
“Guacamole” just doesn’t sound right without the accent.
Ha! Now I’m thinking of Whack-a-Mole but WITH the accent.
I think you should at least TRY barbecued mole before you pooh-pooh it. 😉
You never know, it could be fabulous!
I’ll leave that to the adventurers.
My dog will happily come and dig up and kill your moles for you. Being mostly terrier, she has a love for digging up small creatures and killing them, especially when she can drop them at my feet and beg me to throw them for her.
I think Owen would too, if he figured out what’s in there. He’s sniffed the mounds (*snicker*) a couple times but doesn’t seem interested.
Oh, and GAG!
LOL! Are you able to find molé in MI? I lived in Southeastern MI and it was nowhere to be found. 🙁
They have Doña whatever-it-is at Meijer, and we sometimes used that in Mexico.
Ooh, that’s not fun to have in the yard! How will your parents get rid of them? And I so want to try mole’ (the kind with the accent)
Nadine, this is a recurring problem and every yard for miles around has the same piles of dirt. My dad does something, but I don’t think you want to know…
Those mole lumps look huge. They look like killer mutant moles made them. You should pull a “Caddyshack” on them.
Robin, my dad pulled a less-explosive-but-equally-deadly Caddyshack on then. 🙂
How do you pronounce that? Mole. Like O-lay?
Exactly like that. 🙂
Oh, sorry. Molé.
I have plenty of mole-ays for you digging up my backyard, should you have a hankering.