I’m even more all over the internet than before. First, the Writer’s Digest issue that features the winners of the Self-Published eBook Winners is finally out! The honorable mentions are in the online article, but only the winners were included in the print version. Go Flicker!

Second, Biz has her own Instagram account! I must credit Jeremy (whose birthday is today—Happy Birthday!) for this idea, and frankly, I cannot BELIEVE I didn’t think of this years ago. I mean, she’s a teenage photographer. Hello! Please go check her out and I’d love to hear what you think.

Jeremy thinks I should make an account for my new book, but it might be tricky to find a lot of skiing photos now that’s it’s spring (even though this ridiculous Michigan weather would have us think otherwise). But speaking of the new book, my FOURTH round of readers are just finishing up and I plan to start querying agents once I get though their notes. Hooray for next steps!
Have a great Monday and I’d love to hear what you think about Biz’s IG.