Please help me give a big Hoosblog welcome to Sarah Patt!
Sarah Patt graduated from Wheelock College in 1991, (now acquired by Boston University). Taught English for two years at Brookline High School’s alternative program—Winthrop House, in Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts. Taught in the fourth grade-learning center at Baker Elementary School in Brookline, Massachusetts for one year. Relocated to Maryland and taught Language Arts to seventh & eighth graders on IEPs at Eastern Middle in Silver Spring, Maryland for two years. In 1995, Sarah married and chose to be a homemaker after her first child was born in 1996. In 2001, Sarah moved back to Massachusetts and raised her three children in Wenham.
In 2008, Sarah returned to the classroom. She was hired from a pool of 250 applicants by Landmark School-an academy for students with language-based learning disabilities. She then went on to earn a master’s degree in Special Education from Simmons College in 2012 while maintaining a full time tutorial position-teaching children one-on-one: reading, writing and spelling. She refers to Landmark School as her second home—never taking for granted, the short commute, brisk salt air, and the devoted faculty, staff, and students who help make her work inspirational and rewarding. Dakota is her second manuscript she hopes to publish by 2020. There is a third, titled, Lucky, she is currently writing.
Tell us about your latest book.
Dakota Buchannan believes there can be nothing worse in life than losing her mother—until her father suddenly dies, leaving her orphaned at sixteen. As she attempts to muddle her way through the funeral, Dakota is introduced to a man twice her age that looks remarkably like her father. Moments later, it is revealed that Luke is the son her father never knew he had—and her brother.
Luke invites her to join his family with the option of returning to Fort Worth to live with her bachelor uncle if she is not happy. Despite influence from Luke’s narcissistic wife, it does not take long before their adorable four-year-old daughter, Savannah, captivates Dakota. As things begin looking up for Dakota, she meets a college graduate at a barbeque, setting off fireworks in her love life. But when her uncle falls victim to a near fatal hit-and-run, Dakota is compelled to revisit her old home where the past collides with the present as she comes face to face with a killer and a shocking secret.
In this gripping story, an orphaned teenager is led down an unexpected path through pain, fear, and danger to the eventual realization that everything in life happens for a reason.
Buy Because of Savannah

Now for the fun stuff!
What’s your favorite genre? Do you read what you write?
I honestly do not have a favorite genre, but if I am looking for a fun-lovin’ read, I’ll shoot for a romance. And if I need something more substantial, I’ll choose historical fiction or biography. I love to learn history and things about a famous person I hadn’t known before. I usually do not read science fiction unless I have a student who does and part of my job as a tutorial teacher is to collaboratively read and to get the ball rolling, so I let my tutees pick the first book. My debut novel may have left the reader hanging, but it also ended on a positive note. I don’t necessarily read what I write but I do enjoy reading books that have an optimistic message and/or life lesson, if you will.
I appreciate that you read such a variety! I have a stack of adult novels I keep meaning to read, but YA keeps calling back to me.
What’s your favorite part about writing?
Being able to type freely what’s flowing from my brain is my favorite part about writing. I can always edit later. I find it fun to create characters and design their home, assign them a profession, give them a family. It’s like being a child again allowed to color anything you want!
My husband often tells me that I’m happiest when I’m actively writing, so it must have something to do with this!
What’s the hardest part of writing for you?
Staying focused can be challenging because my mind tends to race with things I need to do. I am very fortunate to have a husband who enjoys grocery shopping and cooking dinner so those two very important domestic tasks are automatically taken care of. However, since publishing my novel and having done so through a boutique label that gives authors a menu of services with hefty prices, the marketing lays in my hands. I spend a minimum of four hours a day promoting my name and novel on various social media sites, mainly Facebook reading groups, and this is very time consuming, but it’s also very enjoyable, especially when I get immediate, positive messages like, “I just ordered your book! Can’t wait to read it!”
I truly believe being consistent, gracious, and grateful are keys to success. I love meeting new readers of my book and truly appreciate when they go the extra mile and write a review on Amazon and/or Goodreads and/or post a picture of themselves on Facebook reading my book! Every little bit counts and leads to more readers. Finding unique ways to advertise my book is fun but takes away from my actual writing another story. I need to discipline myself to stay on task and write at least one page a day. I do jot down (using actual pen & paper) new ideas, which gets my creative juices flowing and motivates me.
I hear you on the marketing. It can be a full-time job and it’s sometimes tough to find the right balance between the actual writing and everything else.
What’s an activity unrelated to writing that you love?
I love going to my local YMCA and seeing all my exercise buddies and chit chatting with them. There’s a wonderful array of cardio and weight machines to get your groove on while being with those who share the same passion. Honestly, have you ever heard someone say they’re upset they exercised? No. But we’ve heard people complain about having eaten too much and not working it off! And then you have those members who read while they’re on a stationary bicycle and what better way than to ease in and suggest, Because of Savannah, for their next read. 😉
I agree! I work out almost every day and am miserable if I have to miss a day.
Who’s your biggest cheerleader?
I am blessed to have three good eggs who relish in being “marketing minions” for their momma! My husband too promotes my novel, but if I had to pick someone who does it on an everyday basis, I would give Kevin Riordan the “biggest cheerleader” medal. He was a cashier at a convenience Mart where I routinely stopped for vino and each time, he learned something new about me. When he heard I wrote a book, he bought it, read it, reviewed it, and spread the word about it. He even persuaded the owner of this mart to sell my books! Yes, every week three were ordered and Kevin made sure he sold them by the weeks end. Then three more were ordered. This went on for a good year. He also persuaded his manager to let me sit in on their monthly wine tastings and promote my book. Kevin has changed professions but continues to cheer me on at his new workplace or anywhere else where there are ears!
Wow!! What an amazing supporter! I love that it grew organically and that he helped you so much.

Now I’d like to play a fun little game called This or That. As a writer, I find that a lot of interviews ask the same questions, so I always appreciate sharing something new about myself. I’m super excited about these questions—and I hope you enjoy them!
Introvert or extrovert? I consider myself very sociable and have a reputation for throwing great parties. However, when I am free of obligations, I do find pleasure in solitude. I may stay home, open a bottle of wine, play Carly Simon and paint rocks or completely zone out and watch movies . . . sitting back and being entertained is euphoric!
Morning or night person? I’m a total Night Owl! However, on school nights I try to be in bed by 10, but on the weekends, bedtime is anywhere between 1-3am. My husband on the other hand retires every night at 8:30 and that’s great because he turns off the TV and I do my darndest to write unless there are clothes to be folded. I usually do laundry at night, too.
Coffee or tea? I do indulge in my husband’s strong morning brew while I am getting ready for school, but once I am at school I drink herbal tea throughout the day.
Sweet or salty? Kind bars offer an assortment and I just love their Salted Caramel & Dark Chocolate Almond. I tend to skip dessert if I am indulging in a sweet cocktail and when I am not drinking, I’ll indulge in vanilla flavored frozen yogurt topped with hot caramel.
Eternal summer or four seasons? I’m a born and bred Bostonian, so bring on the wicked New England weather—all four seasons! My favorite season is summer because I absolutely love lounging on the beach, swimming in the Atlantic, and reading on my hammock, but I also love curling up on my sofa in front of the fire and watching the Boston Celtics, Boston Bruins, and New England Patriots. My husband watches baseball, so his cheering on The Boston Red Sox makes us whole! 😉
Mountains or beach? I absolutely love nature and if I were whisked away to Arizona, let’s say to hike the majestic desert mountains, I would relish in it but would totally appreciate swimming in a pool afterwards. And if I were whisked away to an island I would love the beach, too. I think the key component here is my love for swimming, so if this mountain region doesn’t offer a pond, lake, ocean, or pool . . . I’m out! LOL!
Dogs or cats? I love both. But my husband is allergic to cats so we have had two dogs since becoming parents. Sadly, last February we lost our thirteen year old fur baby to a malignant tumor. I am the youngest of five and it was my sister, Melissa and I who loved our Chinese Pug my dad brought home for my birthday when I was eight. Supposedly I had begged him for a dog since the day I learned how to speak! Porky was a retired show dog my dad found in the want ads in The Boston Globe. Many years later, when Melissa took her life (as an adult) I was not returning home until her two cats were adopted by a loving and suitable guardian. My young daughter at the time of this tragedy called me on my cell (I was just leaving the funeral home after making arrangements) and said, “Mom, Aunt Missy’s cats can live in my room and dad will never find out!” Her innocent naivety was just what I needed right then and brought a smile to my face. A sweet parishioner from my sister’s church took in Melissa’s cats.
Over 5’5” or under? I am five feet and seven inches.
Left or right-handed? I am a righty but often challenge myself with brushing my teeth and my hair using my left hand because an occupational therapist once told me this was good for the brain!
Hoodie or yoga pants? I don’t like anything hanging on my back, so I am opposed to hoodies unless I am always wearing the hood on my head, but who does that?… bank robbers? Where I teach, we have a dress code and leggings & yoga pants are not allowed . . . thank goodness ’cause I am not a fan of these as every day attire, unless you’re actually exercising or teaching PE and fabric mobility is essential.
We are very similar in a lot of ways! My hubby shops and cooks, I LOVE those Kind bars, love four seasons, and I’m on the same level of extroversion as you. 🙂

Sarah, thank you so much for spending this time with me and my readers. Readers, you can find Sarah at these links—and be sure to check out Because of Savannah!
Website | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Goodreads

If you missed the previous interviews, you can read them here.