I first published my gratitude journal, the Book of Good, in the hopes that it would help people reclaim the small moments of joy in their lives. In the two years since it first came out, I’ve heard from countless people how focusing on the good in each day and tuning out the negativity, even if just for a short time, has helped them cope with everything going on in their lives and in the world.
Read more about how this idea was first developed.
It’s always been my intention to have 3 versions of the journal, mainly because the number three dictates my life and far too many of my decisions, but I didn’t want to rush the third design. My hope was that it would come to me when the time was right.
Well, the time is apparently right. I’m excited to announce The Book of Good: Pride. (The other two are subtitled Constellations and Nature.) And it’s so much more than just a design.
The stripes represent the colors from the LGBTQIA flags:
stripes 1-7: agender
stripes 8-11: asexual
stripes 12-14: bisexual
stripes 15-20: gay
stripes 21-25: genderfluid
stripes 26-28: genderqueer
stripes 29-30: intersex
stripes 31-37: lesbian
stripes 38-41: nonbinary
stripes 42-44: pansexual
stripes 45-49: transgender
triangle: queer POC and transgender
Source: https://outrightinternational.org/content/flags-lgbtiq-community
You may be asking why me, why this theme, why now? Well, I’ll tell you.
Why me?
I’m an ally, and this is a way that I can use my skills and abilities to show that.
Why this theme?
See above.
Why now?
Honestly, today is no different from yesterday. I wish I had thought of this sooner.
The most exciting part
I’m donating $1 of every sale of The Book of Good: Pride to Out on the Lakeshore, a local (to me) organization whose mission is to provide a constant source of support and understanding to the LGBTQ community of the greater Holland area. They seek to create a community in which all persons are afforded equal rights and opportunities.
The journals are available on Amazon, or you can buy one from me in person via my contact page.
Buy The Book of Good: Pride
You so totally rock.
::heart eyes::