Please help me give a big Hoosblog welcome to Jordan Ford!
I’m really excited for this interview! I’ve known Jordan through my writing circles for several years and I’ve always admired her books and all she has achieved. If you’ve never read her books, you definitely need to check her out!
Jordan Ford is a young-adult romance author. She loves to write sweet romance novels filled with angst, mystery, danger, and first love. If you’re looking for heartfelt romance, loyal friendships, thrilling drama and characters you can fall in love with, then you’re in the right place.
Tell us about your book!
I just started a new series this year, which is always super fun. It’s set at an elite academy and follows a dance crew called the Misfits 🙂
At Haven Academy, if you’re not a rich kid, you’re a charity case. The two don’t mix. And they certainly don’t fall in love…
Troublemaker, Maverick, knows he doesn’t belong in the wealthy hallways of the elitist boarding school, but he’s still managed to make some friends along the way. Outcasts just like him—the Haven Misfits, a newly formed dance crew trying to prove everybody wrong about them. There’s only one unspoken rule in his crew—don’t fall for the pretty rich girls. But when he comes across one with a bleeding lip and tears in her eyes, all rules are forgotten.
Londyn knows to steer clear of the school’s bad boys, but when she’s assaulted by one of her own, it’s Maverick who’s there taking care of her. He makes her feel safer and more protected than the gates her family and friends hide behind. He’s her knight, and her friend, and then…something so much more.
But can this fairytale romance last?
As their newfound feelings are exposed, it threatens the truce that keeps the two worlds living in harmony, and when a war breaks out between the haves and the have nots, friendships, loyalties and their hearts are put on the line…
Buy Maverick Loves Londyn!
Now for the fun stuff!
What’s your favorite genre? Do you read what you write?
I love reading romantic suspense. That’s probably my favorite genre. If you combine YA with rom sus, that’s my ultimate! I read a variety though, mostly romance… okay, basically all romance 🙂
Yes, I definitely like to read what I write. I find it helpful to study the genres my different pen names write in.
I’m definitely in a suspense mood right now. The book I’m about to start leans that way and I’m all about it!
What’s your favorite part about writing?
I love the initial daydream of coming up with a new story idea then starting to form it into a full story that readers will enjoy. I also love editing. It’s so fun to improve on what I’ve got and watch it become something better.
I so admire authors who enjoy editing. 🙂
What’s the hardest part of writing for you?
I often hit a middle of the book slump where I’m convinced my writing is the worst and everyone is going to hate the book. I call it the 1st Draft Blues and I have it with almost every book I write. But I just have to muscle through and get to the end, then I start editing and feel like there’s hope – lol 🙂
It makes me feel so much better to hear that you struggle with this too! Most authors I know start to doubt themselves in the middle of the story, and it can be tough to power through.
What’s an activity unrelated to writing that you love?
I LOVE going to the movies – anything to fuel my imagination. I also love hiking in nature. And I love playing the piano and singing.
Those all sound wonderful for fueling your imagination! Anything outdoors or related to story helps me.
Who’s your biggest cheerleader?
My readers are amazing. My review team are so incredible and make me feel so good about my writing. I also have a lot of support from my husband and family 🙂
You DO have wonderfully supportive readers! I strive for your success!

Now I’d like to play a fun little game called This or That. As a writer, I find that a lot of interviews ask the same questions, so I always appreciate sharing something new about myself. I’m super excited about these questions—and I hope you enjoy them!
Introvert or extrovert? Introvert
Morning or night person? Morning
Coffee or tea? Neither. Water’s my go to drink.
Sweet or salty? Sweet
Eternal summer or four seasons? Four seasons, although I could do without winter:)
Mountains or beach? Mountains
Dogs or cats? Dogs
Over 5’5” or under? Over
Left or right-handed? Right
Hoodie or yoga pants? Hoodie
Good for you on the water. I drink a ton throughout the day, but definitely need caffeine to get myself going.

Jordan, thank you much for spending this time with me and my readers. I’ve enjoyed this so much!
Thanks for asking me these great questions! So cool. It’s awesome to be on your blog and I really appreciate you inviting me. Writing and being able to share my books with readers is such a huge privilege. I will never take this wonderful job for granted.
Readers, you can find Jordan at these links—and be sure to check out Maverick Loves Londyn!
Website | Instagram | TikTok | Facebook | Amazon Author Page
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If you missed the previous interviews, you can read them here.