18262 Days

Today is my 50th birthday! That’s 18,262 days if I’ve counted leap days correctly. I’ve thought about this milestone A LOT in the past year, mostly with excitement, but also with a tinge of trepidation. While I still don’t feel my age, there’s no denying that I’m getting older. My aches are achy-er, my grays are grayer, and my brain is foggier (thanks perimenopause).

Each new decade has brought more wisdom, less f—s, and an increased sense that the only person I need to please is myself — and that the best way to do that is to follow my passions. Long-time followers of my blog know that I took a sabbatical from writing midway through 2023 that lasted the rest of the year, but I didn’t just give up writing:

  • My mentee graduated and with the pandemic, I didn’t get a new student.
  • I’d fallen into a rut with my physical activities but dreamed of trying new things while I still could.
  • I missed attending cultural events like I used to when I lived in Chicago.
  • I hadn’t baked anything in years.
  • I left my job at a local nonprofit and missed having a connection to my community.
  • I no longer felt like I was challenging myself.

During my sabbatical, I spent a lot of time thinking about what I felt was missing from my life and how I wanted to change that. (I didn’t come up with the above list overnight.) I’m fortunate that I have a loving, supportive husband, a beautiful home in a neighborhood I adore, and a group of friends who are there when I need to lean on them. So I was able to think about what things brought me joy in the past and how I might capture that again.

Which led to:

Melanie’s 50th Bucket List


🟢 Complete a triathlon
🟢 Learn to ice skate
🟢 Ice skate backwards on one foot
🟢 Run a 5k race
🟢 Complete duathlon
⚪️ Take a hot yoga class
⚪️ Take a barre class
🟢 Get a road bike
🟢 Try axe throwing
🟢 Mountain bike race
⚪️ Skate skiing at pigeon creek
⚪️ Ice skating at Muskegon Luge
⚪️ Adventure race?

Get Involved/Volunteer

🟢 Join a club (Lakeshore Mountain Biking Sisters)
🟢 Volunteer in my community
🟢 Join a nonprofit board (Grand Haven Pride)
🟢 Become a mentor again

Build My Brain

⚪️ Learn to crochet
🟢 Get back into Spanish
🟢 Learn a little Italian
⚪️ Get CPR certified
⚪️ Jump off the pier
⚪️ Learn calligraphy
🟢 Watercolor paint


🟢 Try new-to-me book events
⚪️ Send 50 notes of gratitude
⚪️ Attend a writing retreat
🟢 Start a writers happy hour (there’s one this week!)
🟢 Take an editing course
🟢 Publish The Quiet Unraveling of Eve Ellaway
⚪️ Finish draft of It’s Always Been You
⚪️ Write Chasing the Sky short story
🟢 Get a literary agent


⚪️ Bake snickerdoodles
⚪️ Bake cinnamon raisin bread
⚪️ Make chicken molé
⚪️ Make homemade soup
⚪️ Make sushi

Culture & Community

🟢 Book a Mediterranean cruise!
🟢 Pet a Clydesdale
🟢 Meet Governor Gretchen Whitmer
🟢 Attend a Planned Parenthood event
⚪️ Get another tattoo
⚪️ Go to a roller derby match
⚪️ Go to the ballet
⚪️ Go to Muskegon Art Museum (free Thursdays)
🟢 Attend a City Council meeting
🟢 Go charter fishing
⚪️ Mackinac Bridge Labor Day walk
⚪️ Go to a Lions game

I started this list over Memorial Weekend of 2024 when I completed my first triathlon. I originally wanted to complete each item before my 50th birthday, but when the Detroit Lions’ amazing season made it impossible to get tickets, I decided I have through my 50th year to do everything.

Have you ever done a list like this? What would you add?


  1. Sarah Britton Patt

    Happy 50th Birthday, Melanie! 🙂 I started your book today while waiting at the doctor’s (my husband was having laser eye surgery) and read the first 52 pages of The Quiet Unraveling of Eve Ellaway. So far, I am loving it!

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