18262 Days

Today is my 50th birthday! That’s 18,262 days if I’ve counted leap days correctly. I’ve thought about this milestone A LOT in the past year, mostly with excitement, but also with a tinge of trepidation. Each new decade has brought more wisdom, less f—s, and an increased sense that the only person I need to please is myself — and the best way to do that is to follow my passions.

Eve Ellaway’s Playlist

A lot of authors create a playlist specifically for the book they’re writing. Sometimes the lyrics speak directly to the story, and other times it’s more the vibe of the song that fits, but we play it every time we sit down to write. After a bit, the first notes of the first song feel like slipping into comfy sweats and you’re right back in the flow of the story.

The Quiet Unraveling of Eve Ellaway is Live!

I’ve been waiting for this day for years and cannot believe it’s finally here! I feel like I’ve been working nonstop since August, but this past week has truly been a whirlwind!

Inspiration is Everywhere

I’ve never based the main plot of a book on anything from my life — I slip real details into the side stories. The little scenes that may not stick with reader. The small opinions and observations and random conversations — those are often based on my personal experiences. A character hates nuts in baked goods? *waves hand* Hello! (My husband hate that too. A super random thing we agree on.) Has a dad that points at them and says ‘behave’ before they go out with friends? Me again.

Word of the Year: Go

I began 2024 hoping I would find my way back to writing and I now have TWO unfinished manuscripts. While I would prefer to have a complete first draft, I’m back on track and believe I’m heading in the right direction. And that direction is forward.

16 Years in the Making

I’ve always loved to tell stories. From songs and short stories as a kid to novels later in life, words have always held an importance to me unlike most anything else. I revel in crafting an interesting tale, then watching for my audiences’ reaction. Even my day job is in marketing and communications and my top StrengthsFinder strength is Communication.

Not All Tropes Are Bad

If you’ve spent any time in bookstagram, bookthreads, or any of the book-themed social spaces, you’ve probably seen a graphic featuring a book cover surrounded by short phrases and cutesy arrows pointing to the book. These graphics provide readers an at-a-glance summary of what themes they can expect in the book, and oftentimes these images include details that might be left out of the “official” book description, which makes them a valuable piece of a marketing plan.

Preorder The Quiet Unraveling of Eve Ellaway

You can finally reserve your copy of The Quiet Unraveling of Eve Ellaway! At the moment only the ebook is available for preorder, but the hardcover (that’s right) and paperback will soon be options as well.

Last Chance to Pledge

You all blew my expectations out of the water when you helped me hit my initial $2,500 fundraising goal on the first day. THANK YOU. My audiobook stretch goal is another $2,000 and I’m over halfway there — but I’m not there yet.

The TQUEE Kickstarter Campaign is Live!

Today’s the big day: the Kickstarter campaign for The Quiet Unraveling of Eve Ellaway (TQUEE) is live! This is my first time working with Kickstarter and I decided to try it because I want this launch to be leaps and bounds beyond what I’ve ever done before.