Can Authors Take a Sabbatical?

Typically thought of with academic professionals, a sabbatical “can give you a healthy amount of time to enhance your academic qualifications, pursue new interests, do volunteer work, travel, address physical concerns, or re-prioritize your life and career. It’s an opportunity to manage the effects of professional burnout.”

Burnout is what I’ve been struggling with the most. It’s what led to me finding a new job in 2021, and it’s what’s brought me to this point with writing.

Announcing The Rules Series Box Set!

Binge the complete Rules Series plus 6 bonus scenes and The Friend Rules short story — and get ready to fall in love! The Rules Series follows three teen girls learning to stand up on their own while skiing, biking, and snowboarding in the Colorado mountains—and falling in love! Perfect for fans of outdoor adventure, swoony kisses, and figuring out who you really are.

A Million Reasons Not to Write

There are a million reasons not to write. Better ways to spend our time that don’t involve fighting with the little voice in our heads, the one who insists you aren’t good enough, that no one wants to read what you have to say. But I’m here to tell you — to give you permission — to tell that voice to shut it.

The Melanie Hooyenga Starter Kit

***UPDATE: The contest has ended.*** Over the years I’ve done a variety of sales and giveaways to celebrate my birthday, but this year I’ve come up with my favorite giveaway yet: The Melanie Hooyenga Starter Kit! The idea started out simple enough—give away the first book in each of my series to try to reach …

Being Brave by Trying Something New (to me)

Whenever I talk about my writing process, I proudly tell people that after I outline, I start writing my book at page one and don’t stop until I hit The End. I don’t go back and edit, and I only reread the previous couple paragraphs to get myself into the flow of the story. If something changes that will require edits in what I’ve already written (I’m looking at YOU Mike from The Trail Rules), I note it in a separate file and continue writing as if that change has already been made. I’ve sworn by this method and have told countless writers that you’re more likely to finish a first draft this way than if you constantly edit as you write.

Getting to Know Genalea Barker

Genalea is an author, freelance editor, and full-time mom with an Associate’s Degree in English Literature. Her work has appeared in Bookends Review, Gemini Magazine, Grande Dame Literary, Watershed Review, Broad River Review, and others. She is the author of three novels, Life After, A Song I Used to Know, and Lovehurts, all forthcoming in 2023 and 2024. Genalea resides in Southern Idaho with her husband, four children, and two dogs, where she enjoys small town living, playing music with her family, and occasionally getting caught behind farm equipment on the highway.

Being Brave

While I don’t necessarily view myself as brave, I think there are worse things I can do than try to channel that characteristic. Especially when I’m trying new things (that I’m not ready to talk about yet). As I tell new writers, no one else is going to do this for you — you have to believe you can and then you have to do it.

Getting to Know Danielle Keil

Danielle Keil grew up in the Chicagoland area. A recent transplant, she is enjoying the Mississippi life, especially the pool in her backyard. Danielle has been happily married for over 10 years, and has two young children, a daughter and a son, who are exact replicas of her and her husband. Danielle’s love language is gifts, her Ennegram is a 9w1, and she loves everything purple. The way to her heart is through coffee, chocolate and tacos (extra guac).

Trying Something New

I’m a very organized writer, which won’t surprise long-time followers of this blog, and my process has become more and more fine-tuned with each book. After 12 novels, I felt confident in my system.

Then I started working on my current idea.

It’s romantic suspense (at least I think that’s what it’ll be), and there are a LOT more moving parts than in my previous books. I made it safely through the “take frantic notes” stage, but when I tried organizing those notes into a timeline, I quickly realized I was going to need a different system.

Getting to Know Jordan Ford

Jordan Ford is a young-adult romance author. She loves to write sweet romance novels filled with angst, mystery, danger, and first love. If you’re looking for heartfelt romance, loyal friendships, thrilling drama and characters you can fall in love with, then you’re in the right place.