One of the rules of NaNo is you cannot start writing the actual story until November 1st. I wrote eight or so pages last spring, and while I plan to use them, I’m no longer going to start the story in the same place so it’ll just be filler. I figure I’m going to need …
Melanie Hooyenga
After Eight Months I Still Flinch When Opening a Cupboard
Yes, I lived in fear of cockroaches for three years, but you’d think that after going EIGHT months without seeing one I’d calm down a bit. It’s not like an eight-legged creature (although really, I swear some of them had easily a dozen hairy, spiny legs) jumped out at my every time I opened a …
Stop! NaNo Time*
It’s that time of year! NaNoWriMo — National Novel Writing Month for those of you not in the know — starts November 1st and I’ve already signed up. NaNo challenges writers to write a novel in a month. Simple, right? Yeah, yeah. Stop laughing. It’s been done before. Even by me. After the Fall, which …
Another Thing I Picked Up at the Paper Show
That sounds wrong. Yes I picked up lots of paper, but I’m about to tell you about a conversation I had with two gentlemen and I neither picked them up nor picked them up. The company they represent produces paper that many book publishers use, so you know my whole body perked up like a …
Shiny New Notebook
Last week my coworkers and I went to a paper show in Grand Rapids. I have received TONS of HILARIOUS comments about how exciting a paper show sounds, but trust me, it’s exciting. Yes, the theme is paper, but it’s how the paper is presented that draws the crowd. Each company tries to outdo the …
Adam tagged me over ten days ago so I’m a bit tardy with this meme, but I’m ready to share! 1. If you could have any superpower, what would you have? Why? This answer always changes for me, but right at this moment (8:10pm on Wednesday evening) I’d like to be able to read other …
I just thought I should get that out there. I don’t plan to give updates here unless it’s something fabulous, but after all the build-up over the past few months I felt like I should let you know I’ve released my baby to the wild!
More on Memory
While driving across the state yesterday something in my peripheral vision caught my eye, and in the split second that I glanced at the sky it struck me that the swirl of clouds against the blue sky looked JUST like a marble I had when I was eight. Huh? The mind is such an interesting …
The Curse of a Good Memory
I have a really good memory. Ridiculous, some might say. Unfair, others (men) may complain. Usually it’s a good thing. I love being able to recall odd facts about things that happened fifteen years ago, but sometimes all that information gets a little… cumbersome. I never really thought about it until yesterday morning, but every …
My Clumsiness Knows No Bounds
I think I’m the only person who can rip my toenail while walking across a level room with minimal obstacles. I was even wearing shoes! Let’s back up a moment. (Careful there!) My shoes slip a little and sometimes come off my heel when I’m walking, but this isn’t a new problem for me. I …