I was running errands Saturday (MAN did I score some good deals) when I decided to pop into Barnes & Noble to say hello to my friends’ books. Specifically, Hungry For Your Love, a zombie anthology that includes a short story by my friend Stacey. Living in west Michigan, I don’t always have the best …
Melanie Hooyenga
Something You May Not Know About Me
Over dinner Tuesday night (before going to see David Baldacci!!) my mother laughed before saying, “I was on a conference call today with a woman who made me think of you. She talked for fifteen minutes without taking a breath!” Me? Talks a lot without breathing? That’s so not true. I’ve just mastered the art …
Me & David Baldacci
Last night my mom and I went to see David Baldacci, the #1 New York Times Bestselling thriller author. I’ve read a handful of his books and while I wasn’t sure what to expect, I was excited to listen to a successful author tell his story in person. And tell it he did. He’s funny, …
Ineffective Motivation
I’m not sure when I started doing this, but for the past year or so I’ve treated reading books as a reward. If I have a project hanging over my head that I really need to finish I won’t allow myself to start a new book until I’ve finished it. I love reading so in …
It’s Been Seven Months Since I’ve Seen a Machine Gun
Once again I’m struck by the absurdity that is my life. Never in a million years had I imagined that would be a sentence I’d state, let alone have it be true. I’ve been back in the US for seven months and while much of my life has returned to “normal”, there are still moments …
Sit. Heel. Aw Hell.
Monday night was Owen’s first official obedience class. *dramatic pause* Nah, he did really well. He made an effort to say hello to eeeeeeeeeeeeeveryone and most of them said hello back. I expected him to be noisy since he talks NON-STOP at home, but much like my friends who have rowdy kids and are shocked …
Yet Another Sign That I Truly Am a Writer
I suck. My book sucks. Why would anyone want to read this? I don’t even want to read this. Why did I ever think this was a good idea? I may as well quit now and save agents the hassle of ignoring my query. Ever had these thoughts? That’s been the constant monologue running through …
Hoo’s Bay?
My sister and I went fall clothes shopping last weekend. I pride myself on finding awesome bargains and my sister is even better, so needless to say we tore that mall up. I found boots and heels and sweaters (Adam I will not call them jumpers) and other long-sleeved shirts, since it seems there’s more …
An Overdue Announcement
I have some news that I don’t think will surprise very many of you. In fact, unless there’s a legion of readers out there who never comment and therefore have never made me aware of their existence, I think the majority of you already know. Last spring Ibis and I decided to separate, and I’ve …
More Old Habits Dying Hard
Since I’m living with my parents I don’t cook as much as I used to, and while I’m not completely heartbroken over this, I do miss cooking some of my favorite dishes. Yesterday I decided to make a peanut sauce chicken dish that tastes pretty close to one of my favorites from a Thai restaurant …