I may be a little premature in saying this, but I can almost see then end of this draft. I passed into the final third over the weekend and I feel like I’m finally in the home stretch. It’s definitely coming easier now that I’m back in the editing groove (funny how that works) and …
Melanie Hooyenga
Technological Octogenarian
I spent the weekend with my grandmother — the same one I stayed with for a month last winter — and aside from lunching at the Ford House and taking her to get her ears pierced, I taught her how to use a computer! She’s used webtv for years and kept having problems, so after …
Snip Snip, Part Two
I didn’t intend for this to be a series, but there’s been more snipping in my life. First, I believe I spoke too soon when I said that Owen was recovering well from his surgery last Friday. Wednesday morning he had to go back to the vet to have a suture restitched and now… you …
As Lie the Dead, by Kelly Meding
Wow! I LOVED Kelly’s debut novel, Three Days to Dead, and I dare say As Lie the Dead is even better. It picks up moments after Three Days ends and never stops. Evy joins Wyatt, her super hot Handler, as they race to save another Handler. There’s more shape-shifters (an osprey, an egret, and a …
The Fixer
I spent a lot of time this weekend fixing things. My wip, my closet, my dog… as well as a couple things that I’ll get into at another time. It’s nice being able to look around after a couple days and see the results of your efforts, don’t you agree? First, my wip. Despite the …
Snip, Snip
By mid-day today, Owen will be less two round objects and sporting a cone. I’m a little nervous because he has to have actual surgery. Seems his little buggers didn’t want to drop, and now they have to cut him open. I’m sure he’ll be fine, but feel free to share your animal-in-a-cone stories in …
Dustin Time, by June Kramin
Squee! My friend Bug has a book published! Here’s the blurb on the back: A successful veterinarian, Kaitlyn thought she was content with her life. That is, until she turns thirty and realizes that her current ‘boy toy’ is simply not the father material she was looking for. As her biological clock ticks loudly in …
Trash Talkin’
You think this is hard? Well no one else gives a crap about this book so if you want it finished, you have to do it. My name is Melanie, and I trash talk myself. But in my defense, it works. I was hesitant to tell you all that I’d started back with my edits. …
Technology Win
By now you know all about my dungeon and the perks — or lack thereof — that come with it. Well, there have been some big changes this week. My fourteen-year old nephew stayed with us the first part of this week so my dad had him doing all kinds of things around the house. …
The Importance of Multiple Betas
I had several people read the second draft of my novel, then I put all their comments into one document, and that’s the file I’m working from now. I put an initial at the beginning of each comment so I’d know whose suggestion it was, then went on my merry way. Following Monday’s post, another …