My Style of BIC

Writers have a standard response for other writers when they whine about not getting enough done, or about how hard it is to find time, blah blah. It’s called BIC. Butt in Chair. The general rule of thumb (or the most common rule I’ve heard anyway) is that you must have BIC two hours a …

Handwriting Meme

I don’t generally do memes (usually because I forget about them by the time I write my blog posts) but this one seems fun. My blog friend Erica posted this on her blog,, yesterday. I’m supposed to write out the following items then post the paper with my handwriting. 1. Name/Blog Name. 2. Right …

Offending the Hooeys

It was brought to my attention that there are other people in my family who could, technically, go by Hooey as well, and that Pulling a Hooey could be offensive to them. *thinks about it* *remembers all the times my dad has done something ridiculous, like burn his eyebrows off* *thinks back to my sister …

Pulling a Hooey

I’ve made no secret of the fact that I’m rather… how shall I say it… accident prone. It’s always amused me because I’m very coordinated when it comes to sports, but give me a wide stretch of carpet and I’m bound to run into a wall or trip over my feet. My friends have noticed …

You Tell Me

I have another long weekend and should standing in line for airport security about the time this posts, so today will be a short one. You tell me: When you travel, what’s your favorite type of book to bring along, and why? Feel free to discuss amongst yourselves since I’m 20,000 feet up in the …

A Review of Sorts

My friends seem to find watching me get reacquainted with the US rather amusing. There are so many things you take for granted living here, and being gone for three years made me forget about some of the smaller conveniences. Like renting movies. I finally got myself a membership at a video store last weekend …


They say distance makes the heart grow fonder, but it can also make us look at things with a clearer eye. Like with writing. (Did you forget I write? Yeah, I almost did too.) I’ve been in the editing stage of my third draft since, oh… January, and while I’ve made a few half-hearted attempts …

Bovine Love

I’ve mentioned before that my parents (and therefore, I) live along a river out in the middle of nowhere. We have neighbors and stuff, but it’s fairly rural — the other side of the river is a nature preserve and there are three houses with horses and one with cows within a mile of our …

What Do You See?

See this? This is my shower curtain. I didn’t pick it out but it’s in the bathroom I use at my parents’ house so by default I claim it. Most of you probably see a bunch of circles in varying shades of blue that form a well-balanced grid pattern. Not me. Because I’m crazy, I …