Do you ever have random words just pop into your head? Words that you rarely use but make you giggle, or remind you of someone from your past? And do they fly out of your mouth at less-than-convenient times? They do me. Since I’m home most of the day these words don’t fly out of …
Melanie Hooyenga
Different, Yet the Same
Turns out we get pretty sunrises here too.
I Didn’t See That Coming
Yesterday I borrowed my mom’s car (yay! no van!) and ran a few errands. Exciting, no? I picked up Lisa McMann’s FADE, a new journal, a couple things for the dog, but before that I plunged into the grocery store. I’d forgotten what an ordeal that is in the US. The grocery store in Zihuatanejo …
An Outlet for My Crazy
I, uh… started yet another blog. Hooku: Hoo Can Haiku. This one is purely to entertain myself and give me an outlet for the random thoughts in my head. Kind of like Twitter or Facebook, but permanent! Wait… Anyway, I’m thinking it’d be awesome to have “guest bloggers” so send me your haikus!
Schedule, Schmedule
So… I’d like to have some kind of routine to my posts here, but I’m so out of whack with the move that I don’t know what day it is. Forget trying to maintain a schedule. I liked the three-days-a-week routine at Mexico (I updated the sidebar info so it’s all current now) but I’m …
Dashing & Prancing & Bounding & Slipping
Did you know there’s SNOW here? I saw a few flurries while I was in Michigan in December, but this is the first time in three years I’ve seen actual accumulation and it’s the very first time our puppy, Owen, has seen snow. (Okay, I know I have a whole blog just for Owen and …
Whose Blog?
Before we begin, I’m sure you’re already asking yourself why I’ve sneezed all over my fancy new blog. That’s not actually a sneeze, it’s one of those words you say under your breath—kind of like “Loser!”—where you pretend to be discreet when really you want everyone to hear you. My writing friends all know me …