The Edge Rules Reviews

There’s something so sweet and honest about the way Melanie Hooyenga writes these characters. They aren’t perfect. In fact, their flaws are pretty huge, but they work through their issues and start to put themselves back together. It has a message that forgiveness is possible if you acknowledge the need to be forgiven. If you regret the things you’ve done. And that forgiving ourselves is much harder than anything external.”

YA Books Central  Read the full review


The Edge Rules is a thoroughly enjoyable, fast read, and I found Brianna’s journey as a recovering mean girl to be believable and compelling. Brianna’s complicated home life and her feelings about a boy from the wrong side of the tracks helped to flesh her out as a fully layered teenager who has made of a lot of mistakes but genuinely wants to be better.”

NYT best-selling author Amanda Hocking  See the review


“…tightly plotted and well paced. This is a well-written book, both technically and aesthetically. Characters sound”real” and both plot arcs and language flow smoothly. Character arcs, particularly among the main cast, are paced as meticulously as the plot. The reformed bully trope is not new to the genre, but the places Brianna goes and the paces she is put through do lend this book an authentic feel with its own unique voice.”
The BookLife Prize  Read the full review


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