Chasing the Moon is Now Available!

The Campfire Series is officially complete! —> Two best friends. One tiny tent. An attraction that’s impossible to ignore. <— Now available at all online booksellers.

I’m Hitting the Road!

I’ve recently booked several events and the first one is this weekend! If you’d like signed copies of any of my books, this will be the place to get them.

My Fears Were Not Realized

When I agreed to speak to 200 eighth graders, I thought, “How hard can it be? Adults talk to kids all the time.” But THIS adult has very little interaction with anyone under the age of 25 so needless to say, the fear set in very quickly.

Meet the Author!

I’m officially in full promotion mode, which isn’t my favorite part of writing but it’s certainly necessary. But the fun side of that is going to events and meeting readers! Starting this weekend, I have quite a few local — and a couple not local — book and author events and I’d love to see you there!

The Slope Rules is Now Available for Pre-Order!

The Slope Rules comes out February 24, but is for pre-order on TODAY! Grease meets Mean Girls in this action-packed romance.

Get the Complete Flicker Effect Trilogy for 99¢

Save over 80% on this YA time travel trilogy! Biz is a perfectly normal teenager except for one minor detail: she uses sunlight to jump back to yesterday.

My Interview on the Podcast BOOKMARKED

Last week I recorded an interview for a new podcast called Bookmarked. It’s hosted by local author/illustrator Kevin Scott Collier on Grand Haven Talk Radio and I was the debut interviewee! Listen here: (Jump to the 8 minute mark to hear me.) What do you think?

2016 Goals: Pushing Out of My Circle

At the beginning of this year I challenged myself to break out of my circle, meaning I needed to get myself and my books in front of people I didn’t know. I’m happy to report that since then I’ve added the following experiences to my list: 2 3-Day Conferences (Women’s Expo & Comic Con) 2 …

Event This Saturday

I spent the past three days at a work conference in the same space as the Great Lakes Book Bash in mid-October, and between sessions today I received a call asking me to appear at a children’s and middle-grade book event this Saturday! Book events for everyone! (btw, the Barnes & Noble event was a …