–adjective feeling or expressing gratitude; appreciative. Where to begin? Yesterday was my first Thanksgiving since 2007 and it really hit home how grateful I am for everyone and everything that’s gotten me to where I am today. I realize that given the fact I’m living in my parents basement and recently divorced, many may raise …
friends & family
When to Delete a Friend
This isn’t one of those posts. I have no complaint and no one has slighted me. Quite the opposite in fact. Technology and social media has drastically changed the way we live our lives, most noticeably in how we communicate with people. I’m connected with friends and family on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Skype, blogs and …
Last week I had the honor of meeting another online writing friend, Erica. We’ve been friends for a couple years and even though I’ve been in Michigan for over eight months, this was the first time we’ve gotten together. She drove an hour and a half (!!) to join me at a local NaNo write-in. …
Yet Another Example of Truth Being Stranger Than Fiction
Today is my divorce hearing. The past couple months, while stressful, have been relatively smooth (mom, it’s all a matter of perspective) and this date has arrived with little fanfare. My friends and family have been very supportive since we first decided to split up, but I found an ally in one person I didn’t …
Zommmmmbies! (part 2)
Picking up where I left off on Wednesday… Through a combination of staying out too late and being an Eastern Time zoner, I got one hour of sleep before meeting my friend Mary (who I know from Zihua) for breakfast at Pike Place Market. The one where they throw the fish. And get this — …
Zommmmmbies! (part 1)
I try to live my life by the mantra that if I go into a situation without any expectations — good OR bad — then more times than not I’ll end up having a good time. (Not that I didn’t expect anything but FUN with Jen and Stacey…) This past weekend was no exception. After …
Hungry for Zombies
I was running errands Saturday (MAN did I score some good deals) when I decided to pop into Barnes & Noble to say hello to my friends’ books. Specifically, Hungry For Your Love, a zombie anthology that includes a short story by my friend Stacey. Living in west Michigan, I don’t always have the best …
An Overdue Announcement
I have some news that I don’t think will surprise very many of you. In fact, unless there’s a legion of readers out there who never comment and therefore have never made me aware of their existence, I think the majority of you already know. Last spring Ibis and I decided to separate, and I’ve …
Remembering everything about that day nine years ago, but especially remembering my friend Craig who died that day.
Technological Octogenarian
I spent the weekend with my grandmother — the same one I stayed with for a month last winter — and aside from lunching at the Ford House and taking her to get her ears pierced, I taught her how to use a computer! She’s used webtv for years and kept having problems, so after …