Squee! My friend Bug has a book published! Here’s the blurb on the back: A successful veterinarian, Kaitlyn thought she was content with her life. That is, until she turns thirty and realizes that her current ‘boy toy’ is simply not the father material she was looking for. As her biological clock ticks loudly in …
friends & family
So THIS is What They Refer to as a Social Life
I spent several (three years) not doing much of anything, and it’s amazing how quickly you can get used to that way of life. Not that I never missed my former, busy lifestyle, but I was being a recluse in a different place, not Chicago. I think it would have been a lot harder if …
I Drove 1200 Miles and All I Got Was…
Actually, I walked away from this weekend with THREE t-shirts, a hat that says Up Hoo’s’es (my writing friends will understand), a bracelet … and enough memories to hopefully last until the next time we all get together. Camp Runamuck (aka Cumberland Falls, KY) lived up to its moniker. I wasn’t there the entire week …
Camp Runamuck
This is where I’ll be tomorrow! I’m leaving after work today to join a group of my writing friends for a camping trip in Kentucky. Squee! This is the same group that I met in Chicago last December and I’m even more excited this time around because the nervousness of meeting them is gone. Squee!
Holy Nerve-wracking Batman
My best friend got married on Saturday and while the entire weekend was a blast, the bride was GORGEOUS, and we had fun at every turn, a little thought kept niggling at me: You have to write a speech. You have to write a speech. And even worse: You have to GIVE a speech. You …
Garden Party
I’m going to a “garden party” after work today and it’s got me wondering about something. In this particular case, my aunt recently moved into a new home and in lieu of housewarming gifts has asked for items for her garden. Garden Party. But I know there are other references to a Garden Party and …
Twist of Fate
The phone rang and her breath caught when she saw who it was. She pressed her hand to her chest, forced her synapses to shut up for a second, then pressed Talk. “Hey, are we still on for tomorrow?” He cleared his throat, a soft rumble that made her heart stutter. “There’s been a change …
Crafty Arts & That Indescribable Connection
I spent a large part of last weekend working on my best friend’s wedding invitations. She had the basic design figured out when I arrived Friday evening, and by 11pm Sunday night we had ribbons cut and glued, hundreds of pieces of paper trimmed and stuffed into envelopes, and at least 100 labels adhered to …
Gentleman, Start Your… Horses
Today I’m driving to Kentucky to spend the weekend with my best friend. She’s getting married in June (for which I have to write a speech) and this weekend we’re going to the races! Louisville is known for racing, but Lexington has Keeneland, a great racetrack that features many of the horses seen in the …
Better Late Than Never
You know the tradition to save the top of your wedding cake to eat on your first anniversary? Ibis and I were good newleyweds and saved the top in my parents’ extra freezer (convenient since the reception was at their house) but then four months later we moved to Mexico. I didn’t think the cake …