We wish you a merry Christmas, We wish you a happy Kwanza (does anyone celebrate that?) We wish you a festive Boxing Day,* And we’ll see you next year! I’m taking a break until the new year so I can spend time with my friends & family (and Owen) and try to finish the first …
home life
Creativity and Inspiration
I’ve done it again. I’ve piled so many projects onto my plate that I find myself staring at the computer screen, unable to work on any of them. I mentioned awhile back that I often treat reading for pleasure as a motivator to get things done, and often don’t allow myself to read until reaching …
Yet Another Example of Truth Being Stranger Than Fiction
Today is my divorce hearing. The past couple months, while stressful, have been relatively smooth (mom, it’s all a matter of perspective) and this date has arrived with little fanfare. My friends and family have been very supportive since we first decided to split up, but I found an ally in one person I didn’t …
An Overdue Announcement
I have some news that I don’t think will surprise very many of you. In fact, unless there’s a legion of readers out there who never comment and therefore have never made me aware of their existence, I think the majority of you already know. Last spring Ibis and I decided to separate, and I’ve …
More Old Habits Dying Hard
Since I’m living with my parents I don’t cook as much as I used to, and while I’m not completely heartbroken over this, I do miss cooking some of my favorite dishes. Yesterday I decided to make a peanut sauce chicken dish that tastes pretty close to one of my favorites from a Thai restaurant …
Can It Be?
I actually have an entire weekend — nay, a LONG weekend — and NO editing? I’m shocked, I tell you, shocked! I realize it’s only been a month or so since I got back into the writing/editing swing of things, but since I was determined to meet my goal I was really pushing hard on …
The Inculpable Cardboard Box
My mom does a lot of shopping online so it’s inevitable that we have a lot of cardboard boxes lying around, the majority of which have the swoopy Amazon logo on the side. The delivery man leaves them in the designated spot and my dad brings them inside when he gets the mail. It’s a …
Snip Snip, Part Two
I didn’t intend for this to be a series, but there’s been more snipping in my life. First, I believe I spoke too soon when I said that Owen was recovering well from his surgery last Friday. Wednesday morning he had to go back to the vet to have a suture restitched and now… you …
The Fixer
I spent a lot of time this weekend fixing things. My wip, my closet, my dog… as well as a couple things that I’ll get into at another time. It’s nice being able to look around after a couple days and see the results of your efforts, don’t you agree? First, my wip. Despite the …
This is How I Celebrated the Fourth
Red, white and blue food! I also updated my header. BIG weekend! What did you do? I hope everyone had a safe holiday.