I feel bad for not announcing this last week, but I already had my posts scheduled and with my going out of town I didn’t have time to move things around. Anyway… Last week Wednesday Ibis got a job at a really nice hotel in Ixtapa, then the following day I was offered a job …
home life
Better Late Than Never
You know the tradition to save the top of your wedding cake to eat on your first anniversary? Ibis and I were good newleyweds and saved the top in my parents’ extra freezer (convenient since the reception was at their house) but then four months later we moved to Mexico. I didn’t think the cake …
My mom noticed these way behind the house in the backyard, just at the edge of the woods. I think the flower fairy planted them. Why is it that I always feel like a murderer after picking flowers?
Two Birds
My wip has a pivotal scene that takes place in the local hospital and circumstances have come together that will allow me to do a bit of research: my dad is having knee surgery. I haven’t set foot in this hospital for almost twenty years so my plan is to explore the ER while he’s …
Meet Reggie
Look what I got over the weekend! My dad and I drove through a couple used cars lots but didn’t see much in our price range, so we headed into town to see what the dealers had in stock. I had a wish list as long as my arm, but given my situation I kept …
One Month
Can you believe tomorrow will be one month since I moved to Michigan? I can’t. (I really should be more settled, but that’s another post.) In honor of this momentous occasion, I thought I’d point out a few habits that I haven’t quite shaken: I still shower at night. This is done out of necessity …
Refrigerator Replacement Project
Begins today…
But the Accent Was the Best Part
As most of you know, I LOVE molé. Ibis introduced me to the spicy, smoky, chocolately sauce while we lived in Chicago, then I tried every possible variety in Mexico. It’s most often served with chicken and he makes molé enchildadas that will leave you breathless. (You know, because they’re SPICY!) Well, now that I’m …
Michigan Morning
Nothing will compare to the glorious sunrises in Mexico, but I kind of like the addition of the bare trees. I guess there IS a benefit to the dog waking me up at the literal crack of dawn.
Happy Birthday to my Sweetie
Today is my husband’s birthday. It also marks the one-week period that he’s older than me and the only time I can call him old. 😉 Feliz cumpleaños!