After Eight Months I Still Flinch When Opening a Cupboard

Yes, I lived in fear of cockroaches for three years, but you’d think that after going EIGHT months without seeing one I’d calm down a bit. It’s not like an eight-legged creature (although really, I swear some of them had easily a dozen hairy, spiny legs) jumped out at my every time I opened a …


Adam tagged me over ten days ago so I’m a bit tardy with this meme, but I’m ready to share! 1. If you could have any superpower, what would you have? Why? This answer always changes for me, but right at this moment (8:10pm on Wednesday evening) I’d like to be able to read other …

More on Memory

While driving across the state yesterday something in my peripheral vision caught my eye, and in the split second that I glanced at the sky it struck me that the swirl of clouds against the blue sky looked JUST like a marble I had when I was eight. Huh? The mind is such an interesting …

The Curse of a Good Memory

I have a really good memory. Ridiculous, some might say. Unfair, others (men) may complain. Usually it’s a good thing. I love being able to recall odd facts about things that happened fifteen years ago, but sometimes all that information gets a little… cumbersome. I never really thought about it until yesterday morning, but every …

My Clumsiness Knows No Bounds

I think I’m the only person who can rip my toenail while walking across a level room with minimal obstacles. I was even wearing shoes! Let’s back up a moment. (Careful there!) My shoes slip a little and sometimes come off my heel when I’m walking, but this isn’t a new problem for me. I …

Something You May Not Know About Me

Over dinner Tuesday night (before going to see David Baldacci!!) my mother laughed before saying, “I was on a conference call today with a woman who made me think of you. She talked for fifteen minutes without taking a breath!” Me? Talks a lot without breathing? That’s so not true. I’ve just mastered the art …

It’s Been Seven Months Since I’ve Seen a Machine Gun

Once again I’m struck by the absurdity that is my life. Never in a million years had I imagined that would be a sentence I’d state, let alone have it be true. I’ve been back in the US for seven months and while much of my life has returned to “normal”, there are still moments …

Sit. Heel. Aw Hell.

Monday night was Owen’s first official obedience class. *dramatic pause* Nah, he did really well. He made an effort to say hello to eeeeeeeeeeeeeveryone and most of them said hello back. I expected him to be noisy since he talks NON-STOP at home, but much like my friends who have rowdy kids and are shocked …

Hoo’s Bay?

My sister and I went fall clothes shopping last weekend. I pride myself on finding awesome bargains and my sister is even better, so needless to say we tore that mall up. I found boots and heels and sweaters (Adam I will not call them jumpers) and other long-sleeved shirts, since it seems there’s more …


When I was in Mexico I complained A LOT about how hot it was. The heat, the humidity, the no air conditioning, the sun, the heat, the humidity, the bugs (wait, that’s a different problem), and the never-ending heat. Oh, and also the heat. So it’s with no small amount of pleasure that I welcome …