While I’ve participated in NaNoWriMo NINE times, over the past couple years I’ve decided it’s no longer useful for me. Well. Once again, my publishing schedule has led me to start writing a new book in November, so it seems silly to not at least attempt the international month-long challenge of writing a book in thirty days.
NaNo No More
I’ve been a big supporter of NaNoWriMo since I first participated in 2009 (yes, TEN years ago), but about midway through November, I came to a realization: the no holds barred, write as fast as you can and worry about edits later mentality that makes NaNo what it is no longer works for me.
The Incredible Magic of Taking a Break
In the past when I’ve finished a book, I’ve given myself a week or two to catch up on writing-related things like updating my website, then I dive into the next project. But it never felt like enough. This year has been different.
I’m Back—and I’m Giving Away a Kindle Fire!
To celebrate my productivity, I’m giving away a Kindle Fire 7 (8GB with Alexa)! All you have to do to enter is sign up for my newsletter. There are also bonus adds by following me on Instagram, Twitter, and the Facebooks, but really I’m hoping to keep in touch with all of you through my newsletter.
Two Novels in One Year? Sure, Why Not.
Sunday I finished the second draft of The Trail Rules, which I wrote over the summer, so it’s perfectly logical that today I’m starting the first draft of The Edge Rules, the next book in the series.
When Stars Align (for a writer)
My current wip (work in progress) is a rewrite of a women’s fiction novel that I wrote in 2008 while living in Mexico. At the time it’d been ten years since I’d lived in Michigan, and while I wasn’t planning to stay in Mexico, I also wasn’t planning to return to Michigan. So I set …
Top Ten Ways I Procrastinated During the First Week of Nano
November 1st was the first day of NaNo (read my last post if you’re not familiar) and while I’m on track with my word count (average of 1667 per day!) that doesn’t mean it’s been smooth sailing. There’s been fall cleaning (like spring cleaning but the opposite—you know what I’m talking about), a minor thing called the World Series where my second favorite team FINALLY WON, and the warmest November we’ve had in a long time, which required me to be outside as much as I can. But those don’t make my top ten list. Are you ready? Here we go!
It’s that time of year! The leaves are turning, pumpkins are being carved, and writers across the internet are gearing up for National Novel Writing Month.
Deconstructing a Cookie
How completely overhauling a novel is like changing an oatmeal-raisin cookie to chocolate chip.
In the Home Stretch!
As most of you know, November is National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) and while I’m not competing officially, I’ve quietly sucked the enthusiasm and ambition from my fellow writers to push through to the end of my wip, Fracture. That’s right — I’m THIS CLOSE to finishing the sequel to Flicker! NaNo competitors are supposed …