I’ve been waiting for this day for years and cannot believe it’s finally here! I feel like I’ve been working nonstop since August, but this past week has truly been a whirlwind!
publishing industry
16 Years in the Making
I’ve always loved to tell stories. From songs and short stories as a kid to novels later in life, words have always held an importance to me unlike most anything else. I revel in crafting an interesting tale, then watching for my audiences’ reaction. Even my day job is in marketing and communications and my top StrengthsFinder strength is Communication.
Take a Chance on Me
As most of you know, for the past ten months I’ve been working on a book that is bigger and darker and twistier than anything I’ve ever written. It deals with mental illness and self-sacrifice and took more out of me than I could have imagined. And now it’s done!
Except it’s not.
If I Knew Then What I Know Now About Writing
When you first set out to write a novel, it’s scary and exciting and the words flow faster than you can type. But sooner or later, you’ll hit a wall and the gushing flow will become a slow drip that slowly drives you crazy. Or maybe that’s just me.
As an author, it’s customary to thank everyone who helped your book get from a spark of an idea to a finished book. Typically listed under a heading called Acknowledgements, authors thank readers, friends and family, editors, agents, pets, high school English teachers, and that one guy who said I’d never write a book and ha ha! Look at me now.
But I digress.
That Time I Won an Award and Forgot to Tell Anyone
Children’s Literary Classics has divisions for over a dozen categories, and THE SLOPE RULES won silver (second) for High School Romance!
My Fan Mail to You
The past month has been a whirlwind. We renovated our kitchen, I’ve had four book events (including speaking at a writers’ conference tomorrow), and everyone seems to love The Slope Rules! This is the fourth time I’ve been published and at this point I thought I knew what to expect, but the response has been amazing. AND I’ve been hanging out at the top spot in my category on Amazon. O.o
The Slope Rules is Now Available for Pre-Order!
The Slope Rules comes out February 24, but is for pre-order on TODAY! Grease meets Mean Girls in this action-packed romance.
Help Me Choose My New Headshot
The AMAZING Jenn Marie Photography (who also did our wedding photography) took so many fabulous headshots that I need your help choosing the winner.
Hooyenga SMASH!
(Read that in the Incredible Hulk’s voice) So, without getting into WHY it’s taken so long… the full Flicker Effect trilogy is finally on Smashwords! Which means it’s also available on iBooks. Apple makes it extra difficult (read: expensive) for indie authors to list their books on iBooks, but you can do it through another …