Fracture is Published!

I’m thrilled to announce that Fracture is now available on Amazon! Today you can only get the ebook, but tomorrow (probably in the evening) the print version will also be available!

Things I learned (or remembered) while prepping this book for publication:

This Time I’M a Guest Blogger… with Shenanigans!

The lovely Colby Marshall, who you met last month, invited me over to her neck of the internet. Pop on by to learn a few of my favorites, what I’d rescue in a fire, and something you might be surprised to learn about me. FLICKER: An A to Z Shenanigan Because who doesn’t love shenanigans?

Review & Giveaway on JeanBookNerd

You guys! I have an honest-to-goodness review and giveaway over on! This is my favorite part of the review: The decision to place this gift onto teenage Biz is brilliant. She is in the prime of her teenage years where discovery is a major part. What better way to tell this story as Biz …

Guest Blogger: Colby Marshall!

I’d like you to meet my friend Colby Marshall. (isn’t she adorable?) We first met blogging when I still lived in Mexico and Colby was in the middle of a challenge to blog every day for one year. I was immediately entranced with her obsession with hippopotami and spitting llamas, and I’m thrilled to feature …

A Second Interview

What can I say, I’m popular… This time my dear friend June “Bug” Kramin had me answer a whole different set of questions than Richard. So if you’re concerned there are still things you don’t know about me, click away! Interview With Melanie Hooyenga ~ Flicker

My First Interview!

As part of my slow-motion effort to get the word out about FLICKER, I’ve done a couple interviews with my friends. The first to hit the intertubes is courtesy of my Novia Scotia buddy Richard Levangie. Author Melanie Hooyenga Answers 25 Questions Be sure to note how he got all clever in #8…

My Book is Real

I still can’t quite believe it. FLICKER is REAL. I was home eating lunch when the UPS man plopped a box full ‘o books on my front porch–a week before I expected them. I’m so thrilled with how they turned out! Here’s the buying info: eBook Amazon (Kindle) Barnes & Noble (Nook) Kobo Print Amazon …

Action and Reaction

I have two separate but exciting things to share today. First the reaction: I saw this idea on Pinterest and put it to use! I punched a hole in all my store member cards and put them on a key ring. Now I can keep them in nether regions of my purse, rather than in …


Not me, but I’m so excited you’d think I was the one who sold my first book. My dear friend Stacey Graham announced Monday that Sourcebooks has bought The Girls’ Ghost Hunting Guide! This is the same Stacey who lured me to Seattle to play with zombies (and convinced me to photograph myself doing yoga …

Lisa and Laura Roecker’s The Liar Society

Last weekend Erica Chapman and I road-tripped to Cleveland to attend Lisa and Laura Roecker’s launch party for their debut novel, The Liar Society. You know me, I live my back cover blurbs: Best friends don’t send emails once they’re dead. With her dead best friend’s pearls and skirts tiny enough to make Nancy Drew …