Boiling Point, by K.L. Dionne

My aunt’s second book is out! Boiling Point, the sequel to Freezing Point, is now available in print and digitally. Here’s the blurb. As Chaitén sleeps… Two microbiologists monitor the effects of global warming in the shadow of the long-dormant volcano. A celebrity scientist and his film crew arrive at the caldera to capture Chaitén’s …

Zommmmmbies! (part 1)

I try to live my life by the mantra that if I go into a situation without any expectations — good OR bad — then more times than not I’ll end up having a good time. (Not that I didn’t expect anything but FUN with Jen and Stacey…) This past weekend was no exception. After …

Interview with S.G. Browne. Yes, There are Zombies.

Tomorrow I will have the honor of meeting S.G. Browne, author of the upcoming Fated, “a dark, irreverent comedy about fate, destiny, and the consequences of getting involved with humans.” Kirkus Reviews calls Browne “one of America’s best satiric novelists.” I’ve only known him for a couple weeks, but from what I’ve seen, I’d have to …

Another Thing I Picked Up at the Paper Show

That sounds wrong. Yes I picked up lots of paper, but I’m about to tell you about a conversation I had with two gentlemen and I neither picked them up nor picked them up. The company they represent produces paper that many book publishers use, so you know my whole body perked up like a …


I just thought I should get that out there. I don’t plan to give updates here unless it’s something fabulous, but after all the build-up over the past few months I felt like I should let you know I’ve released my baby to the wild!

Me & David Baldacci

Last night my mom and I went to see David Baldacci, the #1 New York Times Bestselling thriller author. I’ve read a handful of his books and while I wasn’t sure what to expect, I was excited to listen to a successful author tell his story in person. And tell it he did. He’s funny, …

As Lie the Dead, by Kelly Meding

Wow! I LOVED Kelly’s debut novel, Three Days to Dead, and I dare say As Lie the Dead is even better. It picks up moments after Three Days ends and never stops. Evy joins Wyatt, her super hot Handler, as they race to save another Handler. There’s more shape-shifters (an osprey, an egret, and a …

The Greatest Jewelry Salesman in the World — Guest Post by Stephen Parrish

I’d like to give a warm welcome to Stephen Parrish, a writing friend whose debut novel, The Tavernier Stones, comes out May 1st (although rumor has it you can already get it online and, as Stephen puts it, “in courageous bookstores everywhere”). Stephen has helped me in the past when I was working on my …