Flashback Friday

As promised, here’s my short story* from my senior year literary magazine (the one I placed in the centerfold). I fought the urge to edit, so instead I’ll share my thoughts at the end. Enjoy! The Mail Room The man furtively glanced over his shoulder. A woman was walking through the door to the opposite …

Outlining 2.0

I know, I know… not everyone outlines. Even the people who DO outline all tend to have completely different definitions of an outline. My outlines are really more of a guide. I don’t follow a numbering system, I write in paragraph form, and I summarize the action. It guides me from point A to B to …

Flashback Friday

I don’t plan to make this a regular feature unless I unearth my old writing folders. And even then there may have to be some editing. I found my high school literary magazine–which has two pieces I wrote (I’ll post the second one next week)–while searching for samples for my design portfolio. I also designed …

How to Write Good

I borrowed — not plagiarized — this from Megan Rebekah — who I believe borrowed it from someone else — so you may have seen this by now. Enjoy! How to Write Good 1. Always avoid annoying alliteration. 2. Never use a long word when a diminutive one will do. 3. Employ the vernacular. 4. …

Being Authentic

Do you ever have random words just pop into your head? Words that you rarely use but make you giggle, or remind you of someone from your past? And do they fly out of your mouth at less-than-convenient times? They do me. Since I’m home most of the day these words don’t fly out of …

An Outlet for My Crazy

I, uh… started yet another blog. Hooku: Hoo Can Haiku. This one is purely to entertain myself and give me an outlet for the random thoughts in my head. Kind of like Twitter or Facebook, but permanent! Wait… Anyway, I’m thinking it’d be awesome to have “guest bloggers” so send me your haikus!