
It’s that time — the midway NaNo update. I had planned to tell you about my progress a little more often, but here we are on the downslope of November (don’t get me started on that…) and I haven’t told you how it’s going. I knew going into NaNo as a gainfully employed person that …

When to Delete a Friend

This isn’t one of those posts. I have no complaint and no one has slighted me. Quite the opposite in fact. Technology and social media has drastically changed the way we live our lives, most noticeably in how we communicate with people. I’m connected with friends and family on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Skype, blogs and …

The Circle of Life. Or Meat.

*cues theme song to The Lion King* Do you remember the cows? At the time there was a bit of debate as to the fate of the two cows grazing in the field near my house. My mother finally ended the discussion when she announced they were beef cows and wouldn’t be around much longer. …


Last week I had the honor of meeting another online writing friend, Erica. We’ve been friends for a couple years and even though I’ve been in Michigan for over eight months, this was the first time we’ve gotten together. She drove an hour and a half (!!) to join me at a local NaNo write-in. …

Yet Another Example of Truth Being Stranger Than Fiction

Today is my divorce hearing. The past couple months, while stressful, have been relatively smooth (mom, it’s all a matter of perspective) and this date has arrived with little fanfare. My friends and family have been very supportive since we first decided to split up, but I found an ally in one person I didn’t …

Zommmmmbies! (part 2)

Picking up where I left off on Wednesday… Through a combination of staying out too late and being an Eastern Time zoner, I got one hour of sleep before meeting my friend Mary (who I know from Zihua) for breakfast at Pike Place Market. The one where they throw the fish. And get this — …

Zommmmmbies! (part 1)

I try to live my life by the mantra that if I go into a situation without any expectations — good OR bad — then more times than not I’ll end up having a good time. (Not that I didn’t expect anything but FUN with Jen and Stacey…) This past weekend was no exception. After …

Interview with S.G. Browne. Yes, There are Zombies.

Tomorrow I will have the honor of meeting S.G. Browne, author of the upcoming Fated, “a dark, irreverent comedy about fate, destiny, and the consequences of getting involved with humans.” Kirkus Reviews calls Browne “one of America’s best satiric novelists.” I’ve only known him for a couple weeks, but from what I’ve seen, I’d have to …